Friday, February 21, 2014

Young Professionals

How do young professionals earn the respect of their community, meet potential customers, and most importantly get referrals?
These are questions that I had and that I'm sure many of you have whether you are young or old. Here is what I've found:

1. Follow the PLATINUM RULE, (one step above the "golden rule") Treat others the way THEY want to be treated. To go along with this rule, treat all your customers the same. It doesn't matter whether they are buying a mobile home or a mansion, treat them both with the respect they deserve as human beings and give them your full attention.

2. Under promise and over deliver. Do NOT make promises you cannot keep. Again, do NOT make promises you cannot keep. Surprise your customers when you get them more than they wanted at a lower price and they will never forget you.

3. Be yourself. Don't get caught up in acting like somebody you are not and having to fake your way through a relationship especially if you plan on working with them in the future.

Lastly, be patient. You are not going to become a superstar overnight. You need to gradually build your client base and your network with real relationships that you EARN.

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