I think everybody has at least heard of, if not read, the book, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". It is a book about living your life without fear and anxiety and it is a valuable tool for many people.
I want you to take another message home today. SWEAT the Small Stuff. I want you to consider EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE daily. All I ask is that you be conscious about everything you do. Not so hard.
I don't mean you need to be a jerk or take every criticism personally or hold grudges, but I want you to all to begin doing POSITIVE little things EVERY WEEK, EVERY DAY, EVERY HOUR. Consider life to be a snowflake that gets a little push from the wind and begins rolling into a snowball down a hill, and the snow you pick up can either be clean (positive choices) or yellow (negative choices).
You do NOT become healthy or unhealthy overnight. It takes a lifetime of small, seemingly insignificant decisions that accumulate over a long period of time. Going to the gym ONCE, does not make you strong, BUT 2 hours per week spent working hard at the gym can turn you into a physical superstar.
Let's say you have one chocolate shake per week instead of a soda, or better yet, water.
Over 1 year, you have accumulated 36,000 extra calories or 10 lbs of body fat. Now most of you don't drink a chocolate shake every week but how about that candy bar, coffee, cheeseburger, french fries, fast food, or cigarette? I promise you won't gain 10 lbs when you order a shake BUT every single decision you make either helps or hurts you down the road and the more positive choices you make, no matter how "insignificant" DO MATTER.
Let's say you decide to read just 15 pages of positive reading material per day (like a self-help book, financial book, or The Bible). In one year alone, you will have read an average of 27 books! Did you know the average American reads less than 2 books in the next 20 years after the age of 25?!

Make small, positive choices every single time you have a decision to make. It matters in the long run.